9 July 2008 – Understanding & Analysing Financial Statements for Insolvency Practitioners
The importance of financial statements to the insolvency practitioners cannot be over-emphasized. As insolvency practitioners who are involved in Corporate Insolvency work, some of their objectives are to ensure a fair distribution of the company’s assets among creditors and contributories of a company that is under liquidation and/or to terminate the company’s existence by its eventual dissolution. Insolvency practitioners must, thus, understand and be able to analyse and interpret financial statements in order to make sound decisions.
This seminar seeks to give the participants an understanding of what financial statements are all about – their uses, structure, format and contents.
Participants will, after this module, be able to make their clients feel more confident that as insolvency practitioners, they also fully understand financial statements and they can best maximize the interest of the creditors and the contributories.
For the seminar outline or more details or to register, please click here.