Join As Member

IPAS aims to be the premier professional body for the insolvency profession in Singapore and has been formed with the following objectives:

  • Provide a corporate identity and an organisation for insolvency practitioners, finance and other professionals;
  • Set standards for the insolvency profession;
  • Promote technical competence through training and continuing professional development for insolvency professionals;
  • Advance the status and interest of insolvency professionals; to protect the character of the insolvency profession; and
  • Frame and establish rules for observance in matters pertaining to codes of professional conduct and practice and the award of certificates and qualifications.


Associates or Fellows of the association may describe themselves as an Associate of IPAS or Fellow of IPAS and may use, after their name, the initials AIPAS or FIPAS as the case may be. The benefits and privileges of being an Associate or Fellow of IPAS include:

  • The right to use an insolvency professional designation.
  • Affiliation with an insolvency professional body.
  • IPAS is one of INSOL International’s member associations, and members of IPAS are automatically granted membership of INSOL* at a special discounted rate.
  • Access to journals, technical articles, insolvency practice notes and news from IPAS.
  • Opportunity to take part in continuing professional development and other activities organised by IPAS.
  • Priority booking and concessionary rates at seminars and conferences.
    Participation at dialogues with Regulators and Judges from the insolvency docket.
  • Access to a wide network of insolvency practitioners.

Application Criteria & Process

The fees payable for admission are as follows:

IPAS Membership

Admission Fee – Fellow
S$ 150.00
Admission Fee – Associate
S$ 125.00
Admission Fee – Life Fellow
S$ 380.00
Annual Subscription – Fellow
S$ 250.00
Annual Subscription – Associate
S$ 175.00
Subscription – Life Fellow
S$ 3,800.00

INSOL Membership

Annual Subscription – INSOL Membership
S$ 86.00


Associates shall be admitted as such if they have less than seven years of approved practical experience. Fellows shall be admitted as such if they have submitted satisfactory evidence of having obtained at least seven years of approved practical experience. Life Fellows need to pay a one-time admission fee of $380 and a one-time subscription of $3,800 for life fellowship with the Company.

Membership Application Form

Apply as Associate/Fellow

You may contact the IPAS Secretariat at if you have any questions or clarifications.

* INSOL International is a global federation of national associations of restructuring and insolvency professionals, with a membership of over 10,000 individuals from 100 countries. In addition, INSOL works closely with ancillary groups including the judiciary, regulators, lenders and academics. INSOL International influences global restructuring and insolvency practice and policy, supported by a membership who share a global perspective. For more information please visit